Wednesday, October 2, 2013

On The Set of "Catatonk Blues" Filming In Rockland Maine

Doug Mills
RCN America network

Rockland, Maine - Ever wonder what it would be like to be in a major motion picture?  We spent Tuesday on the set of "Catatonk Blues" starring Treat Williams, which has been filming in Rockland.  We followed a group of extras through the whole process.

The day starts for this group of actors at 2 in the afternoon when they report to the set.  First order of business, lunch.  I like this business.

The next stop is the holding room. Where the actors wait.

Casting director, James Stiles explains how the day will go and what the actors can expect next. 

More waiting.

Next the aspiring actors are taken to wardrobe five at a time for paperwork and wardrobe.

After wardrobe it is back outside for more waiting while all the actors get through wardrobe.

More waiting! 

All during this time the crew is moving equipment.

Like ants of bees they hurry in and out of the building, carrying wires , cables, clamps and chairs from the trucks parked out back.

Soon the auditorium is ready for the big town hall scene. The lights are up and the cameras are all in place.

The wait is over. The director calls for all the actors in the big auditorium scene.

Director, Jared Martin and writer/ director,Bob Mrazek go over last minute details for the town meeting scene.

The actors are brought in and take their places in the auditorium.

Treat Williams, who plays a congressman who returns to his Maine island district, goes over last minute details with the crew.

The camera crews do their last checks before the first take.

Almost ready!

Before the first take Treat Williams takes the time to fill the extras in on the movie, to set the scene and explain what is going to happen in this scene.

The set is locked, the sound is on and the cameras roll.

Shooting "Catatonk Blues"

Treat Williams in "Catatonk Blues.

Treat Williams filming "Catatonk Blues" in Rockland

The town hall scene of "Catatonk Blues"
At the end of the day every one went home tired, but with a great story to tell their grandchildren. 

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