Friday, October 11, 2013

White House Schedule - October 11, 2013

President Barack Obama is framed through the arm of Chief of Staff Denis McDonough during a meeting in the Oval Office, Oct. 10, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
In the morning, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. This meeting is closed press. Later, the President and the Vice President will meet with the Republican Senate Caucus in the State Dining Room. 
In the afternoon, the President will meet with small business owners in the Roosevelt Room to discuss the need for Congress to act to reopen the government and pay the bills it has racked up.  If Congress fails to act, there will be consequences felt by businesses across the country, and the President will continue to urge leaders in Congress to reach a solution that reopens the government and ensures our nation doesn’t default. 
9:45 AM
The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
11:15 AM
The President and the Vice President meet with the Senate Republican Caucus
State Dining Room
1:00 PM
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney
2:15 PM
The President meets with small business owners
Roosevelt Room

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