Wednesday, February 20, 2013

This Week in Naval History

This Week in Naval History

21 Feb 1945: USS Bismarck Sea (CVE 95) sank
On 21 February 1945, Japanese kamikazes sank escort carrier USS Bismarck Sea (CVE 95) while off Iwo Jima. She sunk in 90 minutes with a loss of 318 men. USS Saratoga (CV-3) was struck by 5 kamikazes but survived with a loss of 123. Bismarck Sea was last the carrier lost in combat during World War II. We remember and salute the crews! To read more about Bismarck Sea, please click here:

22 Feb 1909: Great White Fleet returned
On 22 February 1909, the Great White Fleet returned from a round the world cruise to Hampton Roads, Virginia. The Great White Fleet departed on the journey from Hampton Roads, Virginia on 16 December 1907. To read more about the Great White Fleet, please click here:

23 Feb 1945: US flag was raised on Mt. Suribachi
On 23 February 1945, four days after landing on Iwo Jima, the US Flag was raised on Mt. Suribachi. Due to the first flag raised being too small, the second more visible flag was ordered. Despite raising the flag, the island would not be secured until 16 Mar, and enemy resistance was felt for the next few weeks. The abundant heroism of the US Marines and Sailors in the Battle for Iwo Jima was recognized by the award of no fewer than twenty-seven Medals of Honor, more than half given posthumously. To read indepth about the Battle for Iwo Jima, please click here:

24 Feb 1959: USS Galveston fired 1st surface-to-air missile
On 24 February 1959, USS Galveston (CLG 3) fired the first Talos surface-to-air missile. Note, she was originally launched in 1946 (CL 93, later CLG 93) but was never commissioned. Following her conversion and commissioning in May 1958, Galveston later served during the Vietnam War and was decommissioned in December 1973, then scrapped two years later. To read and see more about USS Galveston, please click here:

25 Feb 1933: US Navy's 1st true aircraft carrier launched
On 25 February 1933, USS Ranger (CV 4), the US Navy’s first true aircraft carrier, was launched. Commissioned in June 1934, she served in the Pacific until participating in Neutrality Sea Patrols in the Atlantic Ocean in the fall of 1939. She later participated in Operation Torch and Operation Leader, which attacked German shipping in Norwegian waters. Relocating to the Pacific in the summer of 1944, she helped train pilots for combat duty operating out of Pearl Harbor and San Diego. In October 1946, Ranger was decommissioned and sold for scrapping in January 1947. To read more about USS Ranger, please click here:

26 Feb 1991: Operation Desert Storm activity
On 26 February 1991, during Operation Desert Storm, A-6E aircraft of USS Ranger's (CV 61) VA-155 and Marine aircraft bombed Iraqi troops fleeing Kuwait City to Basra in "bumper to bumper" convoys along two multi-lane highways. Numerous tanks, armored vehicles, jeeps, cars, ambulances, and tractor-trailers were destroyed. To read more about Operation Desert Storm, please click here:

27 Feb 1945: US Navy activity in the Pacific
On 27 February 1945, USS Scabbardfish (SS 397) sank Japanese guardboat No.6 Kikau Maru, 100 miles northeast of Keelung, Formosa. Also on this date, USS Blenny (SS 324) attacked a Japanese convoy off French Indochina and sank merchant tanker Amato Maru off Cape Padaran. To read more about USS Scabbardfish, please click here: . To read more about USS Blenny, please click here:

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